Welcome to the 16-2 Democrats Blog

Welcome to the 16-2 Democratic Blog


The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States requires that citizens unite against tyranny and fascism.  This unity must be formed from the ground up where the voice of every voter can be heard so that a consensus among small groups can promote good ideas; filter out bad ideas and achieve compromise before the usual misunderstanding of the position the Democratic Party might take can be avoided.  This blog is established to give the members of the 16-2 Democratic Party of Kauai the opportunity to have their voice heard. The community will then have the opportunity to actively comment on a member's idea so that it can be modified and strengthened and then forwarded to District 16; then to the KDP central committee; then to the Democratic Party of Hawaii and finally to the Democratic National Committee. 

We want to hear what you have to say!

I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.
Will Rogers

It is important that we remember that we are members of the Democratic Party and therefore we all have opinions that are better than everyone else.  It is often difficult to understand why people don't see things your way.  But that does not mean we should close our minds and walk away.  We must remember, "We are all in this together!"  This doesn't mean we have to "be nice", this blog is suppose to be a place where you can vent your rage so we can all be motivated to use that rage to bring about the changes in the Democratic Party and our government that will ensure our freedoms while keeping the government "off our back".  (We win by repurposing the talking points of the right-wing.) However, it does mean that we need to avoid insulting each other and take the time to listen to what each of us has to say -- perhaps even reading posts and comments a second or even third time before you reply.  This blog gives you the opportunity to know the issues and prioritize the issues that are important to you so when you attend precinct, district or county meetings (or even the state convention in Honolulu) you will have the background you need to actively, and forcefully, participate.

We are all in this together!

Administrator and comments

I am the administrator of this blog.  As such, it is my job to keep it up and running and to perhaps moderate comments.  Often anonymous comments get to be very extreme and insulting.  I am hoping that since this list should only have comments from members of 16-2 Democrats; the extreme nastiness can be avoided and moderation will not have to be employed.  There is no restriction on who can comment on this blog.  I expect, therefore, to be trolled but hope that we are intelligent enough to recognize those trolls and ignore them.

Other authors

This blog allows for multiple authors.  I have invited a few other people to participate as they wish.  But that does not mean that you can't provide me with a paper you'd like to share.  I will review it and publish it while clearly attributing the document to you. 


Comments may be made anonymously but I would encourage everyone to create a login and identify themselves.  It is very frustrating to follow comment threads when everyone is anonymous.  Consider that anonymous1 writes a comment you wish to respond to and while you are responding 4 other anonymous[2-5] comments are posted to the blog. 

I have turned off comments for this single post.

Other organizations

I encourage you to seek out and participate in other organizations.  The Democratic Party must deal with all issues not just single-issues.  For example, if you care about Climate Change I encourage you to contact Climate Hawks Vote Likewise, if you care about lobbying congress the Indivisible Guide will be a valuable resource.  In future posts I hope to provide a blog that lists many more groups.

You are the change!